Books on Liturgy/Music
The Place of Christ in Liturgical Prayer
By Jungmann, Joseph
1989-05 - ACP Publications
0915866811 - Paperback
This is the definitive, scholarly study of the liturgies of both East and West, with a special focus on the role of Jesus Christ as mediator, as intercessor. With exhaustive detail and careful analysis, the author reviews the entire Christian tradition of the first several centuries. He investigates the official, public prayers of the priest or bishop, reflecting on the theology and historical
American Catholic Press: An Introduction
By Gilligan, Michael
1996-01 - ACP Publications
091586620X -
Here is a brief history of American Catholic Press: its origins and its present state, from Mundelein Seminary to Oak Park, Illinois, to South Holland, Illinois.
The Mass: an historical, theological, and pastoral survey
By Jungmann, Joseph A.
1988-10 - ACP Publications
0915866439 - Hardcover
This is Father Jungmann's last book on the Mass, taking into account the changes of the Second Vatican Council and more recent articles on liturgy. This book considers the Mass both from a historical and a theological perspective, treating many questions of contemporary interest, for example, the role of acclamations in the liturgy and the question of frequency of the Mass. Certainly for the
Mass of the Roman Rite [Vol. I]
By Jungmann, Joseph A.
1951-01 - ACP Publications
0915866447 - Hardcover
This is the first volume of Father Jungmann's classic study on the Mass of the Roman Rite, Missarum Sollemnia. Father Francis A. Brunner, C.SS.R., translated the work into English, from the 1949 second German edition. For all his modesty and humility, the author produced a historical work never matched before or since, on this specific topic. It is a masterpiece of scholarship, marked by
Mass of the Roman Rite [Vol. II]
By Jungmann, Joseph A.
1951-01 - ACP Publications
0915866455 - Hardcover
This second volume of the Mass of the Roman Rite considers the ceremonies of the Mass in detail, in what is today called the Liturgy of the Eucharist. From what was called the Offertory to the very end of Mass, the author continues his exceptionally thorough study of the liturgy. This volume concludes with an index of sources and an index of names, things, and formulas.
The first
Christian Liturgy
By Kilmartin, Edward J.
1988-10 - ACP Publications
0915866390 -
Christian Liturgy is about the "what" and the "why" of Christian communal worship. This book is intended to fill the many gaps that remain outstanding in standard treatments of the nature, purpose, dynamism, and peculiar efficacy of the liturgy.
Christian Liturgy, then, presents a comprehensive theology of Christian liturgy, founded on the ancient traditions of East and West,
Eucharist in the West
By Kilmartin, Edward J.
1988-10 - ACP Publications
0915866404 -
Relying on the work of such theologians as Cesare Giraudo and Brian McNamara, Kilmartin in this book develops his own critique of what he calls the "average modern Catholic theology of the Eucharist." After extensive historical study, he proceeds directly to theology itself. In The Eucharist in the West, the author attempts to bring liturgical theology into accord with all other theology,
Life of Christ
By O'Connell, John P.
1953-08 - ACP Publications
0915866471 -
This is a small volume, handy to hold, for quiet reading and reflection. Like the other publications of the Catholic Press, the Life of Christ is beautifully presented, in every respect. The gilded page edges complement the high quality paper and the excellent illustrations. In this biography, the words of Christ are highlighted in red, taken from the New Testament. In this book, the
The Liturgy of the Hours in East and West
By Taft, Robert
1993-07 - Liturgical Press
0814614051 - Paperback
This work focuses on the origins and development of the Divine Office and how it can be traced through both Eastern and Western branches of the Church, providing a wealth of historical and liturgical information.
Reader's Digest Bible [Red Leather]
By Revised Standard Version
1982-01 - ACP Publications
0915866412 -
In a beautiful red leather binding, with a solid slipcase of the same color, this Bible is truly a work of art. Crafted of the finest paper stock and binding, the book is enriched with gilded page edges. The Revised Standard Version of the Bible is essentially an updated version of the King James edition, in dignified and worthy English. This version has been widely used in both Protestant and
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